Miscellaneous 1

B/O Milk frother - Stainless steel case

Battery operated milk frother - Red Size: 26mm dia x 280mm L ABS+S/S / KDL-809

Battery operated beater - Red Size: 48mm dia x 288mm L ABS+TPR / KDL-810

Stainless steel pencil frother with s/s frothing disc 2 x AAA Battery

Stainless steel pencil frother with rubber frothing disc 2 x AAA Battery

Battery operated mini frother - Rubber spray 2 x AA Battery

B/O milk frother - Color spray 2.8 x 4.8 x 21.5cm L

B/O milk frother - Chrome plated 2.8 x 4.8 x 21.5cm L

B/O milk frother - Rubber spray 2.8 x 4.8 x 21.5cm L

B/O milk frother with wire stand

B/O milk frother with wire stand - Chrome plated

B/O milk frother with wire stand - Rubber spray

B/O milk frother - Assorted colors 4cm dia x 24cm L

B/O milk frother with rubber buttom - Nickel plated 4cm dia x 24cm L

Digital tea timer - Black

Digital single timer - Stainless steel case

Digital double timer - Stainless steel case

Digital single timer - White *Assorted colors

Digital double timer - Orange *Assorted colors

Digital triple timer - Blue *Assorted colors

Electronic scale with acrylic platform 5kg/1g 20 x 20 x 3cm

Electronic scale with acrylic platform 5kg/1g 20 x 20 x 3cm

Electronic scale with acrylic platform 5kg/1g 20 x 20 x 3cm

Electronic scale with stainless steel platform 5kg/1g 18.5cm dia x 1.6cm

Electronic scale - Green 5kg/1g

Electronic scale - Blue 5kg/1g

Battery operated salt & pepper mill - Rubber spray

Plastic spaghetti measure with s/s tester Tuatara - Green

Plastic spaghetti measure with s/s tester Heliconius - Blue

Borosilicate glass water bottle with glass cup Silicone ring and stopper 600ml

Borosilicate glass double-walled water bottle Silicone stopper 400ml

Borosilicate glass double-walled water bottle Silicone stopper 600ml

Borosilicate glass water bottle Silicone stopper 400ml

Borosilicate glass water bottle Silicone stopper 600ml

Plastic salad spinner with pull cord

Plastic salad spinner - Pink

Plastic salad spinner - Black
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